H’Djang Ktul passed away in Vietnam on Tuesday, July 29, 2008. She was born in 1922, but her exact birth date is not known. She was the mother of Y-Khiem Ktul and mother-in-law of Kathy Ktul, who have lived in Louisburg for the past eight years. Y-Khiem is originally from Vietnam but fled his home in 1975 and emigrated to the U.S. as a refugee in 1986. He had not seen his mother In over 30 years.

In Vietnam, Mrs. Ktul is survived by one son and two daughters, 18 grandchildren and an unknown number of great-grandchildren. Three of her grandchildren live in Louisburg, Y-Samuel Ktul, H’Kera Ktul, and H’Laiza Ktul. Unfortunately they never met their paternal grandmother in person.

Funeral arrangements and burial took place in the Banmethuot district of Vietnam on July 30, 2008.

The family extends its gratitude to Hickory Rock Baptist Church and family and friends for all their prayers and support during this time of grief.

Paid Obituary